o Cpt ViDeO o
All my games get recorded so don\'t try it:)
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Member Since: 10/28/08 | Last Login: 3/20/10
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The new saying for losers and quitters, "YOU CAN HAVE IT" no winners take kids, watch and learn. Stop making excuses and own up to losing

Added 4/04/09 2:35 pm

For the record, Don't wine and cry like RaidersxCable. He quits like a loser would and gets mad at me for continuing the game. Take the lose like a man you scrub its just a game.

Added 4/04/09 2:07 pm

If anyone tries to quit and file a disconnection claim, you will still pay. ask "Hehateme923" https://www.gamersaloon.com/comments.php?match=182960

Added 3/19/09 3:14 pm

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