Overall Rating
Match Limit
Member Since: 6/28/14 | Last Login: 8/22/14
title wins losses rating
  • NBA 2K14 - Playstation 4 - $7.00
    Opponent: MMGhost | Winner: MMGhost | Skill Rating: 2
  • NBA 2K14 - Playstation 4 - $5.00
    Opponent: MMGhost | Winner: MMGhost | Skill Rating: 3
  • Madden NFL 25 - old - Playstation 4 - $8.30
    Opponent: PipeLee | Winner: PipeLee | Skill Rating: 4
  • NBA 2K14 - Playstation 4 - $4.73
    Opponent: dowork_33 | Winner: kingtrigga01 | Skill Rating: 5
  • Madden NFL 25 - old - Playstation 4 - $7.00
    Opponent: zSpeakerboxx | Winner: zSpeakerboxx | Skill Rating: 3
Inbox Me

Your phone # If you really wanna play me. I'll responsed 7-25$ Madden or NBA 2k._.

Added 8/19/14 2:25 am
Thanks To My Family and Friends!! Please feel Free I understand your funds
Added 7/21/14 2:45 pm
I am getting my skills the new play station 4 is awesome!!!!
Added 7/21/14 2:43 pm
I'm New So Help Me Out!

I Don't Like Playing With A Slow Connection So If our connection sucks at any point.. I'm just going to block you from playing me

Added 7/15/14 11:55 am

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