ii Jacksonn x
Play to win.
Overall Rating
Match Limit
Member Since: 7/02/14 | Last Login: 1/01/15
title wins losses rating
  • FIFA 15 Ultimate Team - Xbox 360 - 18,000 FUT Coins
    Opponent: brosfc | Winner: brosfc | Skill Rating: 2
  • FIFA 15 Ultimate Team - Xbox 360 - 20,000 FUT Coins
    Opponent: Ukz iJoKezZ | Winner: Ukz iJoKezZ | Skill Rating: 5
  • FIFA 15 Ultimate Team - Xbox 360 - 18,000 FUT Coins
    Opponent: brosfc | Winner: ii Jacksonn x | Skill Rating: 3
  • FIFA 15 Ultimate Team - Xbox 360 - 25,000 FUT Coins
    Opponent: prohunt3r_fifa | Winner: ii Jacksonn x | Skill Rating: 5
  • FIFA 15 Ultimate Team - Xbox 360 - 19,000 FUT Coins
    Opponent: Yooo yhh7 | Winner: ii Jacksonn x | Skill Rating: 5
Yooo yhh7

Don't play Yooo yhh7.

Added 11/13/14 2:26 pm
Cheat and scamming?

How am I/have I been cheating/scamming exactly? 3 people have said this and they all rage quit and were coming up with excuses to restart the game? Grow up.

Added 11/09/14 8:22 am
Dont play Kreesoftoth..

I beat him and he lied saying he won.

Added 11/06/14 9:27 am

Don't play Danny-, he makes up poor excuses if he loses like 'his xbox is broke' I beat him 2-0 and put a dispute in saying he tried to cancel and his 360 doesn't work. (after i played him) So yeah don't play him.

Added 7/27/14 12:49 pm

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