Joga Bonito
Overall Rating
Match Limit
Member Since: 2/20/15 | Last Login: 12/11/15
title wins losses rating
  • FIFA 15 Ultimate Team - XBox One - 20,000 FUT Coins
    Opponent: Amish123 | Winner: gr3gst4r | Skill Rating: 4
  • FIFA 15 Ultimate Team - XBox One - 20,000 FUT Coins
    Opponent: Jezza1471 | Winner: gr3gst4r | Skill Rating: 5
  • FIFA 15 Ultimate Team - XBox One - 10,000 FUT Coins
    Opponent: astonvilla21 | Winner: gr3gst4r | Skill Rating: 2
  • FIFA 15 Ultimate Team - XBox One - 8,000 FUT Coins
    Opponent: kazzy8392 | Winner: kazzy8392 | Skill Rating: 5
  • FIFA 15 Ultimate Team - XBox One - 26,000 FUT Coins
    Opponent: kicksheepson | Winner: kicksheepson | Skill Rating: 5
Feedback on my profil

Everyone who cries and names the players i got on my feedback is a sad prick and should learn how life works. Just grow up. You don't have to cry and write bullshit just because someone has a better team than you.

Added 3/08/15 8:15 am

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