Overall Rating
Match Limit
Member Since: 9/14/14 | Last Login: 5/11/15
title wins losses rating
  • Madden NFL 15 - XBox One - $3.00
    Opponent: Ghost101 | Winner: Ghost101 | Skill Rating: 5
  • Madden NFL 15 - XBox One - $5.00
    Opponent: Ghost101 | Winner: Ghost101 | Skill Rating: 3
  • Madden NFL 15 - XBox One - $4.50
    Opponent: JustWin559 | Winner: JustWin559 | Skill Rating: 2
  • Madden NFL 15 - XBox One - $5.00
    Opponent: Scoremund | Winner: Scoremund | Skill Rating: 0
  • Madden NFL 15 - XBox One - $5.00
    Opponent: Nova49 | Winner: Nova49 | Skill Rating: 0
not a double account

its called playing madden or nba on another website for the last 4 years they are just lagging on getting new systems i play clean and dont use the best teams

Added 9/16/14 2:09 am
hey guys

i like to play madden i play very clean and dont need to use sf or sea or run 1 play over and over so feel free to send a challenge thanks

Added 9/15/14 3:12 pm

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