X4 e loc 420
$$ poWErED By HustlE $$
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Member Since: 10/31/12 | Last Login: 12/13/14
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League of Legends PC
1 0 10

Added 2/12/14 10:52 am

Added 2/12/14 10:41 am

Lol smallerpigeon4 dispute me after I stopped him on 4th then he quits then reports d/c then tried to make support reset the gm but I'm a G so I got the win I had proof of him quitting so record or take pictures when u play any1 of these guys on my list

Added 2/06/14 2:41 pm

Lmfao wake nasty90 ip booted me twice and told support I never wanted to play frm point of d/c told u wake cheaters never win and go buttfuck ur mom wake

Added 1/23/14 9:28 am

Hahaha @seahawks4life tryin to dispute me cuz he spotted then said he never said that support seen his message on shout then gave me my win what a bum over 5$ lol like u said cheaters never win go fuck ur mom seahawks

Added 12/23/13 5:28 pm

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