Vic Mensa
Disputes are ppl tryna cheat me, record games! No super pros in madden, if your record is 5000-4 dont send a game unless you spottin me!
Overall Rating
Match Limit
Member Since: 4/06/13 | Last Login: 4/07/15
title wins losses rating
  • Madden NFL 15 - XBox One - $50.00
    Opponent: SuSpEcT | Winner: SuSpEcT | Skill Rating: 5
  • Madden NFL 15 - XBox One - $50.00
    Opponent: OG-Duval | Winner: Vic Mensa | Skill Rating: 1
  • Madden NFL 15 - XBox One - $20.00
    Opponent: Custom Stem | Winner: Custom Stem | Skill Rating: 2
  • Madden NFL 15 - XBox One - $0.00
    Opponent: TEE POLYSON | Winner: Vic Mensa | Skill Rating: 5
  • Madden NFL 15 - XBox One - $25.00
    Opponent: Big Skim | Winner: Big Skim | Skill Rating: 3

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