Overall Rating
Match Limit
Member Since: 7/07/13 | Last Login: 1/03/15
title wins losses rating
  • Madden NFL 25 - old - Playstation 3 - $0.00
    Opponent: | Winner: RogueSnipes | Skill Rating: 5
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Xbox 360 - $0.00
    Opponent: Cali suntan | Winner: RogueSnipes | Skill Rating: 3
  • Madden NFL 25 - old - Xbox 360 - $6.00
    Opponent: ucan call tyrone | Winner: ucan call tyrone | Skill Rating: 3
  • Madden NFL 25 - old - Xbox 360 - $0.00
    Opponent: VeNoMx00 | Winner: VeNoMx00 | Skill Rating: 2
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Xbox 360 - $0.00
    Opponent: Philipve98 | Winner: RogueSnipes | Skill Rating: 5

If you have poor Internet plz allow me to host as I posses Blast net which is intended for competative gaming. I have lost a handful of matches already to players of lower skill rank due to their poor Internet. Out of true gamer courtesy communicate on this. I don't mind losing money but when I cant have fun its no longer gaming. Thank you.

Added 8/29/13 12:48 am

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