Overall Rating
Match Limit
Member Since: 5/02/14 | Last Login: 12/15/14
title wins losses rating
  • FIFA 15 Ultimate Team - Xbox 360 - 20,000 FUT Coins
    Opponent: KILLASWORD | Winner: KILLASWORD | Skill Rating: 5
  • FIFA 15 Ultimate Team - Xbox 360 - 20,000 FUT Coins
    Opponent: Conall07LFC | Winner: Conall07LFC | Skill Rating: 5
  • FIFA 15 Ultimate Team - Xbox 360 - 25,000 FUT Coins
    Opponent: Yooo yhh7 | Winner: Yooo yhh7 | Skill Rating: 0
  • FIFA 15 Ultimate Team - Xbox 360 - 25,000 FUT Coins
    Opponent: BosnaRooney | Winner: RatchetJacob | Skill Rating: 1
  • FIFA 15 Ultimate Team - Xbox 360 - 20,000 FUT Coins
    Opponent: BosnaRooney | Winner: RatchetJacob | Skill Rating: 1
GS Rules

"Gamersaloon or GS rules are something that are often used by users for 1v1 matches. Gamersaloon rules are a suggested rule set and do not automatically apply to 1v1 tournaments. They must be in the pregame comments for it to be an enforceable rule set. Below is a list of our set site rules for some of the more popular games played on Gamersaloon.com."

Added 12/14/14 3:59 pm

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