Overall Rating
Match Limit
Member Since: 10/21/23 | Last Login: 8/03/24
  • EA Sports College Football 25 - PS5 XBX/S for $7 8/03/24
    Opponent: Dondondaa | Winner: Dondondaa
    Resolution: Original Winner Confirmed
  • EA Sports College Football 25 - PS5 XBX/S for $4 7/30/24
    Opponent: Est Geezy | Winner: Est Geezy
    Resolution: Original Winner Confirmed
  • EA Sports College Football 25 - PS5 XBX/S for $2 7/29/24
    Opponent: EnvyCheezit | Winner: EnvyCheezit
    Resolution: Original Winner Confirmed
  • EA Sports College Football 25 - PS5 XBX/S for $1.18 7/25/24
    Opponent: Robmoney412 | Winner: Robmoney412
    Resolution: Original Winner Confirmed
  • EA Sports College Football 25 - PS5 XBX/S for $2.9 7/25/24
    Opponent: BabyTomBrady | Winner: BabyTomBrady
    Resolution: Original Winner Confirmed
title wins losses rating
Madden NFL 24 PS5 XBX/S PC
3 5 3.8
EA Sports College Football 25 PS5 XBX/S
19 9 7.1
  • EA Sports College Football 25 - PS5-XBX/S - $7.00
    Opponent: Dondondaa | Winner: Dondondaa | Skill Rating: 0
  • EA Sports College Football 25 - PS5-XBX/S - $5.00
    Opponent: Dondondaa | Winner: Notnormal22 | Skill Rating: 0
  • EA Sports College Football 25 - PS5-XBX/S - $5.00
    Opponent: almightyso88 | Winner: Notnormal22 | Skill Rating: 0
  • EA Sports College Football 25 - PS5-XBX/S - $6.00
    Opponent: Zryan61995 | Winner: Notnormal22 | Skill Rating: 5
  • EA Sports College Football 25 - PS5-XBX/S - $5.00
    Opponent: zionjefe | Winner: Notnormal22 | Skill Rating: 0

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