The RoadBoyz R In Tha House
Overall Rating
Match Limit
Member Since: 3/10/09 | Last Login: 6/17/09 | Record Reset On: 3/26/09
title wins losses rating
  • Madden NFL 09 - Playstation 3 - $11.00
    Opponent: GoDfATHeR 630 | Winner: GoDfATHeR 630 | Skill Rating: 3
  • Madden NFL 09 - Playstation 3 - $8.00
    Opponent: Sweaty_Meat | Winner: Sweaty_Meat | Skill Rating: 3
  • Madden NFL 09 - Playstation 3 - $8.00
    Opponent: RgOg03 | Winner: RgOg03 | Skill Rating: 3
  • Madden NFL 09 - Playstation 3 - $5.00
    Opponent: kooser74 | Winner: kooser74 | Skill Rating: 2
  • Madden NFL 09 - Playstation 3 - $10.00
    Opponent: SiMPLY | Winner: SiMPLY | Skill Rating: 5

the player vince clclone is a joke and should be put off site i been hiting the person i dont know how many times 2 play no responed asking to send a message when hes ready no message so what else ! left he didt want to play so i hit win now he want 2 say something now like he was waiting 4 that! so now he want to dispute so ill give he the its only 5$ as u know by my account i lost more then so small 5$ its nuffthing to me i just love playing a this is a very good site but pepole like this guy messes it up 4 others but its cool give the bum the win he need it andn another thing i be on line all the time and yet seen him on line yet! what that tell u! iam out but guys like this make u lose good customs like myself so keep that in mined

Added 3/23/09 2:57 am

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