Lets go inside the mind of a Greg Jennings
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Member Since: 8/09/10 | Last Login: 11/04/12
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If you think your safe just cause you live in a good neighborhood think again....HOUSE MURDERERS CAN BE ANYWHERE

Added 9/22/10 4:00 pm

Added 9/22/10 3:58 pm

Added 8/29/10 10:32 pm

I play madden so just notify me if you want to play, you must be on xbox 360

Added 8/27/10 1:48 am

would you go to jail for the rest of your life if it meant that you could fck kim kardashian every night? message me replies!

Added 8/27/10 1:47 am

dominos order: family combo; medium extra cheese pizza (wiped with paper towel for grease), hot buffalo wings, cinnamon sticks instead of bread sticks, 2 liter coke, GET THE FUCK AROUND ME

Added 8/27/10 1:45 am

concettas delivery order: large cheese pizza, 2 large house salads, (creamy italian dressing) ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Added 8/27/10 1:43 am

subway order: foot long subway melt on honey oat, cheddar cheese, toasted (duh lol), lettuce, onions, salt and pepper, and mayo ahhhhhhhhh

Added 8/27/10 1:42 am

mcdonalds order: big mack meal NO pickle. fill cup with coke

Added 8/27/10 1:41 am

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