GoDfATHeR 630
i own the madden supermarket and you you just a bag boy
Overall Rating
Match Limit
Member Since: 11/28/08 | Last Login: 8/30/12 | Record Reset On: 7/18/10
title wins losses rating
  • Madden NFL 13 - Xbox 360 - $0.00
    Opponent: La Cougre | Winner: La Cougre | Skill Rating: 4
  • NBA 2K12 - Xbox 360 - $0.00
    Opponent: wc878 | Winner: wc878 | Skill Rating: 5
  • NBA 2K12 - Xbox 360 - $6.02
    Opponent: Kdash9 | Winner: Kdash9 | Skill Rating: 5
  • NBA 2K12 - Xbox 360 - $3.50
    Opponent: $.I.R | Winner: GoDfATHeR 630 | Skill Rating: 2
  • NBA 2K12 - Xbox 360 - $6.08
    Opponent: $.I.R | Winner: $.I.R | Skill Rating: 2

my boy edgar also reppin hackneys combat.. my boy sparring partner

Added 9/01/09 4:00 pm

gjfg this is my BEST friend....">

Added 4/05/09 8:48 pm

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