From UFC Undisputed 2009 to EA UFC.
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Member Since: 6/07/09 | Last Login: 9/03/14
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xGoT em ShooK is a joke. The kid is straight up garbage and lies in every feedback he leaves. Let me show you proof real quick.

Added 6/11/09 5:14 pm

Here he admits to him lying about me cheating and having a modded controller. because he was mad cause he's "broke"... LOL!

Added 6/11/09 5:14 pm

Added 6/11/09 5:13 pm

Here is a picture of me beating him the first time where he begs for the money (see picture 1) and says he will call GS for a free win. Date 6/9

Added 6/11/09 5:13 pm

Added 6/11/09 5:13 pm

Here is the second WIN I got against him where he says again I have a modded controller and reported a win for myself... yet he "gave it to me" and said he really won. More proof I have in this picture right here. Date: 6/10

Added 6/11/09 5:13 pm

Added 6/11/09 5:13 pm

(You can tell these pictures are different because one is a submission ~1:40 in and the other one is a submission ~3:50 minutes in)

Added 6/11/09 5:12 pm

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