Born Hustla
Always be prepared when your opportunities present themselves!! Lets gamble!!!
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Member Since: 2/27/14 | Last Login: 7/29/16 | Record Reset On: 1/21/15
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If u not hard wired don't send me a challenge or accept mine. I don't wanna play nobody using wifi point blank period. If u wanna play me send me a screenshot of your connection test and I'll send mine. I do 60mbps so if u don't do 25mbps or better don't waste my time. Because y'all make the game lag with the poor connection.

Added 3/11/15 11:38 pm
Fair Games

If u looking for fair games based on skill not cheese send challenges or accept one of my challenges . Les get it!!!!

Added 1/21/15 12:38 pm

Im just looking for kool fair games. If u cheat me or lag or cheese i will block u forever. I record all my games so dont waste neither of our time.

Added 1/21/15 12:35 pm

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