Overall Rating
Match Limit
Member Since: 9/26/14 | Last Login: 11/24/14
title wins losses rating
  • FIFA 15 Ultimate Team - Playstation 3 - 50,000 FUT Coins
    Opponent: RD11MU | Winner: AssViolator562 | Skill Rating: 1
  • FIFA 15 Ultimate Team - Playstation 3 - 9,000 FUT Coins
    Opponent: Andypandy10_05 | Winner: AssViolator562 | Skill Rating: 5
  • FIFA 15 Ultimate Team - Playstation 3 - 26,000 FUT Coins
    Opponent: fifabibleee | Winner: AssViolator562 | Skill Rating: 5
  • FIFA 15 Ultimate Team - Playstation 3 - 26,000 FUT Coins
    Opponent: butterfly2 | Winner: AssViolator562 | Skill Rating: 1
  • FIFA 15 Ultimate Team - Playstation 3 - 26,000 FUT Coins
    Opponent: butterfly2 | Winner: AssViolator562 | Skill Rating: 1
Losers Be Like....

No stat cards, no loan players, no 5 at the back, no timewaste, no park the bus, no passing, no crossing, no shooting, no wingers, no 2 strikers, no-one over 80 pace, no 4/5 star skillers, no GK over 6ft, running down the wing. And then want a 10k wager..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Added 10/10/14 3:10 pm

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